動植綵絵 Doshoku Sai-e

動植綵絵 02 梅花小禽図 Baika Shokin-zu (Plum Blossoms and Small Birds)

動植綵絵 Doshoku Sai-e

動植綵絵 03 雪中鴛鴦図 Setchu En-o-zu (Mandarin Ducks in Snow)

動植綵絵 Doshoku Sai-e

動植綵絵 04 秋塘群雀図 Shuto Gunjaku-zu(Autumn Millet and Sparrows)

水墨画 Suiboku-ga(Ink Painting)

石灯籠図屏風 Ishi Doro-zu Byobu(Stone Lantern)

動植綵絵 Doshoku Sai-e

動植綵絵 05 向日葵雄鶏図 Himawari Yukei-zu(Rooster and Sunflowers)

動植綵絵 Doshoku Sai-e

動植綵絵 06 紫陽花双鶏図 Ajisai Sokei-zu(Hydrangeas and Pair of Chickens)

その他 Others

紫陽花双鶏図 Ajisai Sokei-zu(Hydrangeas and Pair of Chickens)

動植綵絵 Doshoku Sai-e

動植綵絵 07 大鶏雌雄図 Taikei Siyu-zu(Rooster and Hen)

合羽摺 多色摺 Kappazuri Tashokuzuri

花鳥版画 櫟に鸚哥図 Kacho-Hanga Kunugi ni Inko-zu (Flowers and Birds;Parrot and Oak)

合羽摺 多色摺 Kappazuri Tashokuzuri

花鳥版画 薔薇に鸚哥図 Kacho-Hanga Bara ni Inko-zu (Flowers and Birds;Parrot and Rose)

合羽摺 多色摺 Kappazuri Tashokuzuri

花鳥版画 青桐に砂糖鳥図 Kacho-Hanga Aogiri ni Satocho-zu (Flowers and Birds;Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot and Chinese Parasoltree)

拓版画 Takuhanga

素絢帖 罌粟図 Sokenjo Keshi-zu(Opium poppy)
