コレラで死なないために何をすべきか/What to do to avoid dying from Cholera

ウラジーミル・マヤコフスキー コレラで死なないために何をすべきか-cholera-rosta


  • Title:コレラで死なないために何をすべきか
    What to do to avoid dying from Cholera
    Что делать, что бы не умереть от холеры
  • Artist:ウラジーミル・マヤコフスキー
    Vladimir Mayakovsky
    Владимир Маяковский
  • Medium:ステンシル


 1. Dirt carries cholera
2. and raw fruit. Take action. Give it the boot!
3. Citizen! Don’t die from cholera, just learn how
4. to take this action – do it now:
5. Don’t drink tap water – it may be spoiled
6. Only drink – when its been boiled
7. Drink kvas on the street? – never again!
8. As boiling water’s such a pain
9. To get kvas on sale, to be the first
10. They use tap water to quench your thirst
11. Don’t eat raw fruit and vegetables – it’s in the soil
12. Wash with water – at the boil
13. If a fly whizzes in and lands with ease
14. Keep your food covered: they carry disease 
