赤軍兵士の銃剣が可能性をもたらした… /A bayonet of a red army soldier provided a possibility…



  • Title:赤軍兵士の銃剣が可能性をもたらした…
    A bayonet of a red army soldier provided a possibility…
  • Artist:ウラジーミル・マヤコフスキー
    Vladimir Mayakovsky
    Владимир Маяковский
  • Medium:ステンシル


 1. A bayonet of a red army soldier provided a possibility
2. To hoist the scarlet flag of October
3. Only the Red Army bayonets protected this banner
4. The October Revolution reinforced us
5. Only with the help of the Red Army this banner is
6. Carried all the way to the liberation of the whole world
7. Everyone, try like this:
8. In honour of October work for strengthening the army 
