- (政治教育総局 No.81)
All for Farming Equipment Repair Week!
(GlavPolitProsvet:The Central Directrate of Political Education No.81)
(Главполитпросвет № 81) - Artist:ミハイル・チェレムニーフ/テキスト:ウラジーミル・マヤコフスキー
Mikhail Cheremnykh/Text by Vladimir Mayakovsky
Михаил Черемных/текст Владимир Маяковский - Date:1921
- Medium:ステンシル
1. Those are the weapons our factories used to produce
2. Now we have a new kind of weapon to use
3. For Spring’s arrival we must prepare —
4. Get the plough and harrow in full repair
5. Worker! A new front has opened
6. Quickly, go fix the farming equipment!